Meet Our Staff

laurie birdsong

Laurie Birdsong

Ceritified Massage Practitioner  #6303

About Laurie

Therapeutic Massage

It brings me joy to offer healing massage and see people benefit with greater ease, self awareness and relaxation. Massage is an exchange between client and therapist involving awareness, trust and ability to release and heal.

I offer therapeutic massage for body, heart and mind. Integrating Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Hydrotherapy (hot towels), Reiki, and Tibetan singing bowls for a deep healing experience that will leave you feeling grounded and nurtured. I address chronic muscle tensions through Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Mobile Cupping or Gua Sha techniques.

I bring in energy balancing where there are blockages to clear holding patterns
and help you realign with your power to heal.

Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is a magical time! Enjoy a nurturing reset, ease tension and anxiety, back, leg or arm pain. Take an opportunity to relax with your growing child and leave feeling refreshed and empowered. Postpartum massage is also a great ally for new mothers, helping to heal from birthing, rebalance hormones and integrate a new life.

Instruction in Infant Massage

Learn the many benefits of infant massage and how to safely massage your baby.
Infant massage creates a special bonding time that helps your baby develop trust and confidence. Infant massage has been shown to assist digestion, relieve colic, improve sleep patterns and increase motor, neural and cognitive development.

Private and group classes offered.

Private yoga sessions

Yoga is the art of uniting body, heart and mind. Learn alignment to ease chronic conditions, strengthen your body, improve balance and increase mobility. Learn breath work to calm the nervous system and meditation techniques to tune into your inner wisdom. A personalized yoga session can help you overcome injury, limitation and find new awareness and freedom in your body.

Ongoing group classes offered via zoom Monday and Thursday 9:30 am.

Carrie Varela


Owner & Founder of the Reiki Healing Society
Call me at 303.919.4330

About Carrie

In the stunning backdrop of Trinidad, open your heart with incredible healing energy. Release stress, relax and fuel your soul so that you can be your best person. Regain the strength you need to face the challenges in your life with clarity and confidence. Reiki can help provide healing energy for any injury or illness, improve your clarity, focus and mood, energize you when you are burnt out or feel depleted. Reiki can also be used to encourage balance, stimulate mindfulness, reduce anxiety, depression and help you find a greater sense of inner peace.

Carrie is a Reiki teacher, Reiki practitioner, yoga teacher, yogini, Blissologist, mystic, lover, mom of toddlers, resident of Trinidad and modern day healer. I inspire people to connect to Spirit, Nature and their truest essence through Reiki, yoga, meditation and nutrition.

Carrie offers the following services:

  • Reiki treatments (Virtual and In-Person)
  • Reiki with AromaTouch ® (In-Person Only)
  • Yoga Private Lessons (Virtual and In-Person)
  • Reiki Home Blessing (Virtual and In-Person)
  • Reiki Near or Far (Virtual Only)

Camille Free

CMT, HMP LIC#15102

Call me at 808.464.5541

About Camille

Greetings! Aloha. I am very excited and honored to be offering Traditional Hawaiian Lomilomi healing massage therapy. Lomilomi is very effective in relieving any muscle pattern that is causing chronic pain, acute pain, or overall discomfort. Whether it is neck, back, and or hip issues such as sciatica and/or lack of mobility, Lomilomi brings relief to the body.

The session can be very deep tissue or more gentle as an overall body tuneup depending on the individual’s specific needs.

I have had the honor of apprenticing with an amazing Teacher, Kumu Haunani Hopkins on the Big Island of Hawaii, with whom I still have endless Gratitude for. Upon passing My Hawaii state exam in 2016, I became a Certified Massage Therapist of Traditional Hawaiian Lomilomi. My Teacher, as well as myself, honors her Teacher, Aunty Margaret Kalehuamakanoelulu’uonapali Machado. With respect, I quote “Remember Hawaiian Lomilomi is a praying work!” I do believe it is very important to be humble in ones approach to give bodywork and to honor the Source ALWAYS.

As far as my education goes, I also have a background in Swedish massage and became a Holistic Massage Practitioner back in 2004. Over the past 15 years, my ongoing education has included Medicinal Aromatherapy certification, which Involves using” high-quality” essential oils directly on muscles and or spine for release of pain on the physical and emotional level. This treatment is also very supportive to the vitality of the nervous system as well as increasing immune system response. My studies have also led me to take various workshops in Mexico, Hawaii, and California that emphasize the mind/body connection through healing visualizations, dreamwork, prayer, and meditation.

Some of the principles I engage during a Lomilomi session are pule (prayer), ho’oponopono (resolving conflicts within the self as well as with family and other relationships), the use of medicinal aromatherapy, and working with the “Ha” breath. Each session is unique, depending on the individual needs/issues.

May we all feel better in our mind and body!

diveena marcus

Diveena Marcus

About Diveena

I am grateful to be part of a loving and giving team at Trinidad Healing Arts. I am a California Indigenous Elder. My matriarchal relatives are aboriginal peoples of California. My grandmother’s mother’s people are from the Tamalko/Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo from the north central region known today as Marin and Sonoma counties. Her father’s relatives are of the Shasta and Modoc peoples of Northern California known today as the regions of the Siskiyou and Modoc counties. My grandfather’s peoples are from the British Isles. My patriarchal relatives are from the pacific islands where I lived as a child.

I received my undergraduate degree in Philosophy from the University of Hawaii at Hilo, emphasis on religious philosophy. I hold a PhD. In Indigenous Studies, (obtained at Trent University in Ontario Canada) where I apprenticed with First Nations Elders. My research and academic focus are with Indigenous consciousness. I am the founder of the nonprofit L.U.T.E.A. Lyceum of Universal Teachings of Earths Ancestors, in Crescent City, advocating Indigenous lifeways and wellness.

I have studied spiritual subjects all my life. I started with astrology at the age of 13 and have been a professional astrologer for near 50 years. I am a member of the American Federation of Astrologers and teach astrology online. Subsequently I have studied the Tarot and Hermetic Qabalah after I submerged myself in astrology.

Most importantly I carried a healing vision for many years, and from that dream I created a medicine tool that I have been using for spiritual wellness consultations for over 29 years that I call The Golden Lotus Life Force Mandala. During that time of creation, I also received my degree in Metaphysical Ministry, from the University of Sedona under Dr. Leon Masters. I was ordained in ministry through the Temple of Isis and in addition, I studied Reiki and received my Mastership. I have been a California licensed minister and Reiki Master near 30 years.

I am happy to offer in-person-only sessions at Trinidad Healing Arts by appointment. My personal philosophy as well as traditional methodology is that the most effective facilitation for energetic connection in consciousness is in person and hands on. Yes, healing can be transferred across time and place but, I honor and respect the founding wisdoms I have knowledge of and practice. My journey in consciousness has taught me to find the teacher/healer/mentor and build a relationship towards knowledge and healing. It takes effort on both sides to be effectively authentic. Thus, I have willingly aligned myself to Trinidad Healing Arts and its practices that are administered in presence.

I am present at the center one day a month. However, appointments are welcomed for online consultations and sessions for astrological consultations. I do not offer online Reiki, Tarot or Mandala session. They are only administered in person. If you make visits to Crescent City, in person session appointments are surely welcomed and you are most welcome to visit my sanctuary for tea, ceremony and conversation.

I offer Reiki degree attunements in person only and they are weekend sessions that take place on my land in Crescent City. If you are interested, please contact me. They can be group or individual retreats.

The Sessions I offer at Trinidad Healing Arts are: Golden Lotus Mandala Sessions, Reiki treatments, Astrological analysis and consultation, and Tarot.


Miho Synder

About Miho

Miho is a physical therapist, specializing in the John F. Barnes’ Myofasical Release
Approach. She works together with her clients to facilitate their healing process, and
also it lets her be a witness to some extraordinary healing. She wants to use her
knowledge and skills for profound healing and achieve optimal individual health, and/ or
recovering from trauma and pain.

Miho holds a California Massage Therapy Council Massage Practitioner certification
after completing Holistic Massage therapy, Deep tissue massage, and Trigger Point
therapy courses at Loving Hands Institute of Healing Arts. She continues learning other
modalities, such as Cranio Sacral Therapy at the Upledger Institute International and
Movement therapy for Hypermobility & Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome led by Jeannie Di Bon.

She is aware that energy work is important for healing and wellness. She took Reiki I &
II and Subtle Energy classes and continues self study in other energy arts.

In 2018, Miho completed Polestar Comprehensive Pilates training and passed the exam
of National certified pilates teacher in 2020. Miho agrees that the human body, mind,
emotion, and spirit influence each other. She understands that body movement and
health status can affect the brain and its functions.

Miho received her Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from California State University,
Sacrament in 2008, and her Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Exercise Science with
Summa Cum Laude in 2006.